Needing advice?

Got "love" problems? Life issues? Math problem? Or just wanna talk?

I'm here to listen and help. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hey guys!

Sorry for not posting in a while. There was a reason behind it.

Anyways, I can't say much now, but I do have much to talk about soon, so hopefully this weekend I'll get several new posts, polls and other things up.

Keep ya posted!

(I think that made sense). :)


Helen Rocks.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

Watched this yesterday with my family. I'll be a critic.

Movie: Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
Genre: Comedy, Fiction, a little bit or romance, Musical
Rating: PG
Movie Rating: A+
Songs: Single Ladies, We Are Family,

The chipmunks come back again! But this time it's to school. As they try to fit in, they meet hardships such as fitting in with certain crowds, representing their school in a musical.

After having a little bit of an accident with Dave, played the guy from "My Name is Earl", they go to live with their Aunt, who gets in an accident due to her clumsy nephew, who's name I forgot. (Oops, sorry). They live in Dave's house with the kid, who is addicted to video games.

The three chipmunks go to school, where the society is quite stereotypical. You have groups: preps, jocks and wait. That's all I think. Anyways, they start getting the attention of chicks and so the jocks are obviously pissed off, and they try to get them. That's why they hate the chipmunks.

Alvin soon gets accepted into the football team, and forgets about his brothers. The three of them represent their school in this musical competition, where if you win you can win $25,000 which shall save their musical department. That's where the chicks enter. Well, actually Chippets. They meet the evil guy from the last movie, something Hawke, and he wants to get revenge at the chipmunks for ruining his career.

They soon have a competition in which the school will decide who should represent them in the musical competition. On the day of the competition, Alvin ditches his two brothers for his first football game. Therefore, the chippets will represent their school.

The Chippets soon learn that Hawke really was a bad guy, cause they didn't believe the chipmunks. The chipmunks rescue the Chippets, and well, the story goes from there.

Wow, I stink at summarizing movie, but to sum it all up:

Great movie!

Very funny, and sometimes very sweet.

I suggest you watch it, very cute!

Alrighty, my first movie review, though unsuccessful, very... well unsuccessful.

Merry Christmas!

<3 Your gal


Dear Helen,

I like this guy who is real cute, sweet and adorable. Sadly though, he has a girlfriend. I still like him. Can't seem to forget about him nor get over him. My friends suggest I should call him, since I want to talk to him, but talking doesn't seem to work well for me. I lose my voice and the conversation can become awkward. Trust me, I know. What should I do? Keep on liking him, or move on?
From Shy

Dear Shy,

I don't want to come harsh at you, but there really is no other way to put this. I think you should move on because he's with someone. But then again, at this age, nothing is for certain. For now though, remain friends with him, get to know him better and maybe you'll become best friends or something like that with him. I don't think it's a great idea to continue having this crush on him for he won't be into you. About the calling thing, it's a good idea, if you just call him for school things or what not. Yes, I know it sounds stupid, but if you call him about anything else, the conversation can get off topic, and be really weird at times. You don't have to talk about school, just carry a normal conversation like you would with anyone else. Forget about the fact that you like him, just talk like you would with your friends. I know it's hard getting over someone, but it'll be better to do it now on your own will, then later when he breaks your heart by completing someone else's.

Best of luck!
From Helen

Merry Christmas!

Hey, sorry for posting so late. Still, I would like to say:


Sigh. Takes so long to do that.

So, how did ya'll spend your Christmas day? Let me hear about it.

My day? Thanks for asking. :)
Well I didn't really do anything. Actually I did basically nothing. I did spend 2 1/2 hours perfecting my concerto, more like attempting to perfect it. xP But I have gotten quite far with it. :) So I'm proud of myself.
I also did a 4 mile run with my dad. If I learned anything from this run, it's that I should NEVER run with my dad again. I lose my breath after a mile, and he runs almost the whole thing. Quite a difference there.

Still having no one ask any questions. Any? At all?

Well, once again,

(haha. Sorry. Got lazy. xP)

<3 Your gal

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Love drunk

Dear Helen,

I like this girl who hates me. I want to get her to like me. What do I do?
From, Love drunk

Dear Love drunk,

I have a question for you first. Why do you like her if she hates you? You can get her to like you, but that requires work. But if you truly do like her, you're willing to go through the whole process. Here goes. First find out why she hates you. There must be a reason, unless it's a grudge. If it is, then I'm sorry, it won't work. But if there's a reason, then you'll still have a chance. After finding out why she hates you, try changing that trait/part of you. I said that part, because you shouldn't change your whole person for this one girl. If she still doesn't like you, then I guess it was never meant to be. Now the advice I gave you was a little weird and dumb so if you listen to me, listen to this part.
If she can't see who you truly are, she doesn't deserve you. Find someone else that appreciates you for who you are, not who she wants you to be.

Alrighty! Best of luck!
From, Helen


What's up everyone?

It's Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas Eve to all! Ready for Christmas? What toys do you want Santa to give you this year? Tell me what your thoughts.

Anyways, I haven't really gotten any problems lately, so I'll take a problem of someone I know and just make it a question. It'll be in the next post.

Lately, it's been quite quiet at our house. OOH! Alliteration! xD

Haha. Telling you from experience, four hours, much less five, of practicing violin is a pain! Thankfully, my parents and I worked out a deal where I only have to play 2 1/2 hours every day for the next two weeks to get my ears pierced. What a relief! After practicing 4 hours for ONE DAY, my fingers already hurt and had little blisters. Sigh. What a hard life for a musician.

More about my ice skating.

It's not too hard. In the beginning I was VERY scared about falling, because that would hurt a lot. But after getting on the ice, I realized it was basically the same as roller skating, except on ice and you have blades instead of wheels. But occasionally, you'll dig the tip of your foot in the ice, and then you'll crash onto the floor or bump into someone, like a little girl. (Oops).

Ice skating is a new skill that I acquired as of yesterday. Dad said when there's global warming, and all the lakes freeze, I can skate my way across them! Haha. Good idea. :) Also, WHEN I go to an Ivy League school, they'll have skating rinks in the winter, and I can skate there. Notice how I say when because I guess that's a must...


Have a jolly good day! I'll write more later.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Today's events

Today I went to the Galleria. It was REALLL cool.

I learned how to ice skate! I only fell on my butt 3 times, thankfully, but each time it was a pain in the donkey. (Substitute donkey for the suggested word). Ooh! I saw this guy's shirt that said: "Conserve Water: Shower with Me" it was funny but disgusting. And vulgar.

Oops. Lost my train of thought.

Haha. Remembered something. I went to Taco Bell for lunch, and got a soft taco, which was great by the way, and saw this asain guy in front of me. He was with a bunch of friends, and he went to get some hot sauce. After taking some, he tried to stuff it down his friend's shirt. Haha. Reminded me of somehting. Good times. ;)

Oh. Can ya'll give me something to talk about? Any questions? ANY?




<3 Your gal :D